Caveat Emptor

I apologize in advance if I offend those of you to whom I am related or close friends. Writing this is my catharsis and has been keeping me (moderately) sane of late.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Beta Bing

Holy fucking shit..........,


It may even be twins!
Any thoughts on this possibilty are welcome and will be greatly appreciated!

Beta: 458 (wow!)
Progesterone: 39 (awesome, no oil shots or suppositories)

I am beyond shocked and thrilled. My RE really is a magic maker! The odds were stacked against us and we are elated. That doesn't mean that I am not worrying about all of the things that could go awry, especially at my age, but those thoughts are for a later post. For now, we are basking in the light of a miracle. I am pregnant.

(My next beta is Wednesday May 16th @ 11:00 am)

Cycle day 27
15 dpo/IUI
17 dp HCG Trigger
10 dp HCG Booster

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